Saturday, 23 October 2004


It's been a busy, busy week. To stress this point, let's just say my entire week's worth of afternoons were not used for studying though not entirely wasted. Let's recap...

Went shopping for groceries. Came back totally tired out.

Had a graduate fair at the Octagon. Was suppose to go for a short time but didn't realise how short afternoons were anyhow.

Attended 2 talks, one after another. One on digital filters which are related to my project. The other, on working in the UK after graduation.

Oh boy, what an afternoon! Attended a cleanroom safety course (that lasted only 15 minutes) then had to rush to HSBC to make my credit card.

Saw my supervisor about my project. Got most of the details sorted out and can go ahead full steam!!

So, unproductive week academically but productive project and work wise. Next week, nothing planned so, can get down to work. And nothing is going to stop me!! MUAHAHhahahahahaha...!!!!

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