Sunday, 4 September 2005

Yet another reflection...

Within the last few months, I've felt both quite old and quite young at one time or another. Feeling young is no big deal I guess, I am still only 20 years old. Plus, there are so many people older than me, still taking care of me, showing me the right way. So, still feel quite junior to a lot of people. Especially when I hear of people who were alive before I was born...

On the other hand, I also have been feeling quite old. First off, I'm done with the studying world and has step into the working world. Towards total independence. Plus, the fact I'm reaching 21, the age when people start to think you're an adult, seems to indicate I'm becoming old. But one of the main reasons why I start feeling quite old is the fact that things like relationships and marriage no longer seems to be one of those "in the future" kinda things anymore. I know friends around my age getting married or somewhere near that stage. To a lesser extent, knowing cousins from my generation are married or soon to be also makes me feel quite old too.

And the last factor is the fact that many celebrities and stars today are actually my age or younger. I remember a time when I used to dream about becoming top athletes or being a celebrity (well, not that I really want to, just nice to fantasize...). And suddenly, hard to dream about following idols because they are my peers or juniors! Kinda weird to say I wanna grow up to be like someone younger than me...

So, yeah. It's kinda weird to know that while you are still quite young, you're also considered old. Never thought would feel old, at least not until I'm like 30+ or married...

That's reflection no. 1. Here's no. 2!! MUAHAHhahahahaa..... and you thought that was it. Anyway, just want to say a big thank you to all my loyal readers. I know there are still those who check out my blog occasionally though their visits are probably more frequent than my postings (hehe) so here's a big thank you for still taking time to read my thoughts.

And lastly, for those who have not noticed, I have put up pictures from my graduation! It's just below!!

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