The sermon was so awe-inspiring, I don't even know where to begin. Jesus was fully man and fully God. That means He was God cloaked as man. He felt everything man felt and did everything man did with one important exception, He did not sin. What's important about this is that we can never accuse God of not knowing our situation because He has already gone through it! He has taken the road before us and can guide us through it.
The next thing Glyn talked about (and one which I feel is the most important thing) is how Jesus is God. Jesus is God because
- Direct claims - The Bible records Jesus claiming He is God through the miracles He perform.
- Eye-witnesses - Jesus's own disciples have seen clearly that Jesus was God.
- it's the only explanation that makes sense - how else can you explain someone who has raise the dead to life, heal the sick, help the lame walk, the blind see, the mute speak and deaf hear?
- Resurrection - Jesus died on the cross (the Roman soldiers made sure of that) and was risen to life 3 days later. That's a pretty big miracle by any standards.
- My story - however hard anyone can argue the other points, my own personal walk with Jesus is the ultimate proof of His Godliness. As they say, nothing can substitute for experience.
- God gives me the faith to believe in Him.
He came to bring us new life, life free from sin. His accomplishments on earth was staggering. In the Old Testament, the prophets predicted 333 miracles when the Saviour would come. Jesus fulfilled every last one of them. What's even more amazing is that on Jesus's last day on earth (the day He was to be crucified), there was still 30 miracles that has not been fulfilled. Jesus's death fulfilled them all. For the mathematicians, the odds of that happening is 25(90 million zeros):1. Among the prophecies that was fulfilled that day was the Earth was shaken, the dead was raised, the centurion understood and (most significantly) the curtain in the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.
After the powerful sermon, I went over to a friend's house for lunch and some socializing. It was really nice, I get to meet a lot of new people while getting to know old friends better. Very relaxing. In fact, I stayed till 12am, making it possibly the longest I have ever been outside of my house (12 hours and 30 minutes!). But really nice.
Last point, I recently watched 7th Heaven and for anyone who thinks that show represents Christianity or Christian life in any way, please don't. I can't see how it does. When you speak to Christians, I don't think it's like that.