Sunday, 5 February 2006

The God Factor

In all my church hunting, I've realize that many of the churches are quite alike. Or rather, very little difference between one church and another. Yet, Hope City still stands out for me. I've often wondered why. Is it the exciting worship? Is it the atmosphere? Is it the work that they do?

I've come to realize that it's not really any of this. Yes, they're worship is different compared to other churches but the atmosphere is not completely different. And the works they do while some I've only known Hope City to do but majority of it is what almost every other church does too. So, what exactly is it that makes Hope City stand out?

The biggest difference I see between Hope City and other churches, is that the church is 100% commited to God. In everything that they do, they do it for God, believing that God is with them all the time and also, that God will bless their ministry and bring about a greater blessing than they can expect. They actively seek out the lost so that they are save, not to increase the church membership. They see youth as people, not another group. When they go out and do something for God, they don't wait for the situation to suit it, they just go out and get it done.

Most of all, I see that God is really with them always. They can connect with God 24/7. Everything that they do, I can see God's hands behind it. They don't care what others say, they are commited to do everything that God has asked them to do. Even if it annoys other people. In fact, they are not afraid of offending anyone. In a nutshell, as long as God says it, they will do it regardless of the consequences. They are, the new revolutionaries of God today.

I find their worship and sermons powerful not because of the message but because God is talking through them. You can say that everything that they do has God's fingerprint all over it. And this is one church I can genuinely say, it's excellent and every event they organize is awesome. In fact, going for Sunday service there was my highlight of the week.

In many ways, I wanted to live a life that mirrors the church. A life which is completely sold out for God and making him the centre of my world. To live every second of the day for him and not to worry about consequences or other needs. For I now realize that once I live for God, He will provide all my needs and take care of all the consequences. It's not just a theory, it's something that's real. Go see Hope City. Even with their no-apologies in-your-face approach, their ministry is ever increasing because that's how God wants us to live and because God is with them always.

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