Saturday, 25 October 2003


Vote for me! Adrian for president!!

Eh? Why am I campaigning to people in Malaysia? For those of you who are shock beyond words or just wondering what I am talking about, let me just say this.

I'm running for MASSOC presidency! Yes, it's true, it's true. Of course, I don't think I'll get it, got better nominees.

Anyway, tonight, I had to go for the hustings which is basically a Q&A session where members could ask the nominees questions and just assess them.

So, that night, arrived at the union at 6.30 pm. First of all, we were briefed on the running of the night. Seems each one will come out, give a little speech and then, get fired. Well, so it went. Funnily but not surprisingly, most questions came from the previous committee and seniors. Guess us juniors have pretty much decided on who to vote for already!

Arrgghhhh...! can't tahan some of the questions, really bordering accusing. They ask questions like MASSOC only takes the best so do you think you are the best? Helloooooo... you think you can get the best every time? Dumb question, the new committee have to DO their best for the club. It's up to YOU to decide who is best suited for the job. Some more, how do you define best? In relative to what? Apalah...

The other question that really steamed me up is the treasurer question. Same one always, what will happen if you ran out of money for a certain event and you need more? One girl answer hold charity drives or wash cars event (you know, those fund raisers) and the 'smart' questioner keep saying that you still charging the members. Wei, cannot get other people to pay for their car wash ah? blur to the maximum... this kind of questions seems to imply that the treasurer never kept good account and ended up with not enough money!

heehee... well, actually neither question was directed to me, just frus that's all... one of the previous committee did come up to some of the nominees after that to apologize if it was too harsh, guess they also trying to get the best fella for the job. Anyway, after the entire thing, went back to Halifax and sleep...


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