Tuesday, 7 December 2021

What are you willing to lose?

 There's been a question that has been on my mind without me knowing it. If you read the Bible, you will read of God's many promises. You would read of how God loves us and wants to bless us. And since we know and experience so much of God, why do we find it so hard to follow Him? Jesus simply said, follow me. And yet, we find it so difficult to do so. We have so many excuses or simply a flat out no. Many heard/hears the gospel, so few actually obey. What is stopping people?

It finally hit me: following Jesus requires sacrifice. It's not that people don't want to claim all the Jesus has promised, they are afraid of what they would have to give up to do so. Following Jesus has never been the popular choice. To be a true follower, it means being shunned by your peers, family and friends. Maybe even going against the government. We want to be accepted by our loved ones, by our community. Risking that acceptance is very hard.

Following Jesus also means going His way, not ours. Those childhood dreams? You gotta let it go. Wanting your way, wearing the clothes you want, eating the food you want? You may have to give it up. That dream career you wanted, the lifestyle you were going to live with that career? God demands us to surrender it. And for many, they can't do this. It's a dream of many years. It could be something we have worked on our entire life. Our identity may be tied up in it.

Is it worth giving all these up? Is it worth losing your identity, what you've known yourself to be since you could remember? Is it worth living all on your own, not having anyone on Earth to depend on? If you ask King David, Samuel, Jesus disciples... the answer is a resounding yes!

Jesus promises that whatever we give up, as big as it is, He has something better for us. That dream life you wanted? God can take that sacrifice and provide it in His way. In fact, He can give you something that you think was beyond you. That community that shunned you? God gives you a new community; one that supports you like you were never supported before.

Flip the perspective. That lifelong dream? It's only been yours for a couple of decades. What is that compared to eternity with God? The angels and saints are cheering you on; ready to back you up all the way. You will see miracles that you never thought possible. What did you dream you could achieve? God can multiply that beyond your comprehension. And you have forever in heaven to enjoy it.

The price seems big but looking at the prize, it's worth it. In life, we need to sacrifice something to gain something else. We sacrifice time at work to grow our career. We sacrifice (sell/dispose) things to make way for new things. To win the tournament, athletes sacrifice their food, their time with friends and family, their comforts. All in the pursuit of the highest goal. So if the highest goal in life is to be with God, shouldn't we also expect to sacrifice something equally valuable if not more valuable?

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