Sunday, 5 June 2011

Spiritual Earthquake

I just came back from Re:Union 2011: Taking It to the Next Level. The Holy Spirit was really evident and many lives were touched. I believe we all will never be the same again. But then again, this is just another manifestation of the Revolution that God has started. He has started a spiritual earthquake here in Malaysia.

Just as earthquakes have hit parts of the world, an earthquake has also hit Malaysia. Except this is a spiritual earthquake. God has shaken the very foundation of all that we use to believe in and brought our dependence back to Him. He took financial stability and proved what a sham that was. He shook the earth to show that even the physical foundation cannot be depended on. He has rattled the usual order of things in the country to show that things will never be the same again. And He wants to shake our personal belief to the core... so that we may again know that He alone is God and the only foundation we can depend on.

When an earthquake comes, it causes untold destruction. God also wants to destroy things in our life. He wants to take our old views and deconstruct them. He wants to take our perspective on life and prove it false. He wants to take our perspective on Him and throw it out the window. For how could we ever fully comprehend Him? His thoughts are higher than our thoughts (Isaiah 55:9). We can never be completely certain. And all we can always do is to continue to look to our God.

Earthquakes come fast. God is moving fast. Do not be fooled by the natural things around us. Do not also be deceived when He delays. He delays so that we may grow in Him. But He moves fast. Just read the book of Acts. Instant healing, immediate speaking of tongues, lives transformed on the spot. And don't forget, He made the whole world in only 7 days! God clearly does not move fast. Right now, He is even hurrying us. His movement is spreading like wildfire.

Now wildfires are a firemen's worse nightmare. They burn many trees in a very short amount of time. They spread uncontrollably fast. But that's how God is moving. For when something is out of our control, it's in God's control. That's better! Now He has taken over and is moving it forward faster than we can blink! Through this, we see His power and acknowledge that it is truly only through Him, nothing to do with us.

So I beseech you, brothers and sisters, rise up. Take hold of all that God has for you. Hold on to it, and let God take control. Let go of the steering wheel and surrender it to Him. We were always meant to be the co-pilot. The journey may be tough but it is oh so rewarding. For there is nothing better than to Pray, Listen and Obey the promptings of God. Amen.